I’m not sure what to make of this interesting collection of information about paid content on eMarketer.
I don’t understand why Forrester’s index is based on the percentage of broadband and wireless users who’ll pay for a type of content, or why they think online tenure (which doesn’t seem to vary much) matters.
One thing is clear, news and general information is not on the list, so it must have a “Propensity to Pay Index” of less than 1.00. Video, consumer information, telephone calls, and music are at leasts 1.23.
Emarketer’s list of subscription sites is very interesting. Genealogy, connections between people (cards, classmates, and dating), and entertaiment dominate the list. The non-entertainment content organizations in the top 25 are Consumers Union, Wall St. Journal, Get Abstract, Sporting News, The Economist, TheStreet.com, Rivals.com, and Hoovers.