
Direct Marketing Association: "Just try and say no."

In a reversal of its historic position Direct Marketing Association now favors anti-spam laws, which I guess is progress. But since the DMA is now promoting direct email marketing, what they really want are laws that make the Net safe for themselves. I am proud to have made a living in direct marketing, but I also believe the DMA is yielding to its sleazier instincts.
According to Declan McCullagh in, the DMA wants to overrule the existing laws in 20 states, prohibit only forged headers, and make opt-out the maximum protection under federal law. Does that mean you have to opt out of mail from each of their 4,700 members?
Jerry Cerasale, the DMA’s vice president for government affairs, says “We’re finding that we need to give the consumers the choice to try and allow them to control their inbox, to try and say no, I don’t want this, while leaving the medium open for commerce,” Cerasale said.
That’s what he said: “Just try and say no.”