
Waiting for curly quotes

Ross Rader is right. Our current tools for producing content are inadequate for creating proper quotes, apostrophes, and other punctuation. This stuff should not require my attention to be correctly.

I have already confessed I’m using stupid (non-curly) quotes on MediaSavvy. I looked at SmartyPants and thought it was cool, until I contemplated installing a Moveable Type plug-in and modifying all my templates. Besides, I don’t believe the tags are the place this stuff should be fixed. I want my tools (this month it’s BBEdit, NetNewswire, and Moveable Type) to deal with this stuff natively. We’re not there yet.

I also agree that, in the larger scheme of things, this aesthetic consideration is a pretty small gripe. What’s amazing is how good (and cheap) these tools are.

2 replies on “Waiting for curly quotes”

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