
How bad is commercial content management software?

The Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture has some interesting answers to the question “What problems have you experienced when designing for or implementing content management software?”

It’s not surprising that the number one answer was “Commercial software too expensive”. But it is surprising that so may respondents checked so many items on the multiple-reponse list–8.3 problems per respondent!

There are eight complaints suffered by more than 40% of respondents:

Commercial software too expensive 57%
Required too much customization 54%
Poor process for migrating old content 51%
Not flexible enough to accomodate my design 48%
Difficult to evaluate vendors 48%
Commercial software required too much time to implement 44%
Difficult to integrate with other systems 44%
Didn’t allow enough customization 41%

Why would anyone put themselves through this?

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