
If you're reading this, I blame Twitter

MediaSavvy is back after a pretty long hiatus: six months since my my last Forrester post, and a few years since my last post as an independent blogger.
I don’t have any illusions about the size of the audience for the site’s RSS feed. This site is mostly read by spiders and spambots these days, but I plan to change that.
So, after posting again for the first time in months the other day, I started piping my RSS feed to Twitter this afternoon.
I’ve been using Twitterfeed for a few months to tweet Coastsider’s headlines to a special Twitter account. Now I’m using it to send MediaSavvy headlines to my personal Twitter feed. And those tweets wind up on my Facebook and FriendFeed pages in reasonably short order via plumbing I’d put in place last year.
Within an hour, I could see a noticeable increase in traffic on MediaSavvy.
I love RSS for a host of reasons: manifesting headlines from other sites on Coastsider, putting together aggregated pages from database searches, reviewing classified ads without visiting the original site, getting data into Yahoo pipes to create even more RSS feeds, and other geeky nonsense.
But I seldom fire up NetNewswire or Google Reader any more just to see what’s going on. And most folks never, ever did.
Twitter is a great way to get your headlines in front of your fans where they’re actually going to get read them. If you don’t already have a Twitter feed for your site, or aren’t already piping your headlines to your personal feed, now is a good time to start.
Twitter didn’t kill RSS as a consumer technology, but it may have buried the body.

2 replies on “If you're reading this, I blame Twitter”

>This site is mostly read by spiders and spambots these days
I'd be shocked if the spambots did not outnumber the former TMVS employees who found your site. Anyway, what I really want to know is if Born To Run Things is available as an mp3.

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