Google’s shift to hosting its own wire service stories is a notice to laggards that you can’t succeed by providing the same information that everyone else is giving away.
It’s one of my major themes that intermediaries (including Google) are increasing their role in connecting audiences with news (or all content for that matter). In an intermediated world, your particular copy of a wire service story adds little value to the mix. And at some point, adding yet another copy decreases the value of the whole mess.
In a world of networked media, news organizations need to focus on what they do best. For all but a handful of newspapers, that’s local news. They should have been doing it anyway, but Google is making it a survival skill. They may want to aggregate some national and international news for their unique audience, but editors really have to reconsider the time and energy they’re devoting generic wire stories. Expecially now that their readers can get them from Google.
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.
Category: Media
The NY Times has posted a reader Q&A with Digital News Editor Jim Roberts [via CyberJournalist] that contains a lot of interesting information about the operation of the digital side of the paper.
I was struck by the following list of guidelines for readers posting comments on the site so they could avoid having their comments bounced by a moderator. You can see the full version over at the Times, but here’s the shortened version:
- No profanity. No obscenity.
- No name calling or insults.
- Stay on point.
- Donít bother sending press releases.
- Donít rage and donít SHOUT.
- Please use your real name.
These are pretty much the rules that I have adopted in forums I moderate after a few years of painful experience.
Every failure that I’m aware of involving reader generated content on a media site appears to involve a failure of moderation. I’ve come to believe that the biggest mistake that print media make when hosting comments is thinking there is no middle ground between their tightly-edited professional product and anarchy.
However, I also believe there’s more than right way to do this, and it’s a good time for everyone to share information on how to do it. One of my goals for the second half of the year is to come up with some best practices for hosting social media.
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.
McClatchy is thinking about selling its share in the online job site CareerBuilder. That’s an idea worth considering.
I’ve come to believe that more value has been destroyed in the pursuit of false synergies than any other boardroom fad of the last 20 years. Imagine for a moment that (1) McClatchy could bank the value of its stake in CareerBuilder, and (2) McClatchy’s newspapers were free to negotiate the best possible deal for employment classifieds. Monster and HotJobs are now eagerly negotiating deals with the newspapers. What would it be worth to CareerBuilder to keep McClatchy on board? How much value would that create?
It’s enough to make you wonder how much value was created by CareerBuilder and how much was simply transfered from McClatchy’s (and Gannett’s and Tribune’s) newspapers to CareerBuilder in the first place.
Intermediaries on the Web are going to be increasing their clout, and it’s time for everyone to reexamine all their cozy corporate distribution deals to see if they’re creating or destroying value.
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.
Someone asked me the other day about how Google’s purchase of Feedburner would affect their share of the “RSS market”. There is no RSS market, any more than there is an HTML or an XML market. Or a TXT market, for that matter.
RSS is a file format. FeedBurner’s principal competition is the RSS support that is built into publishers’ content management sytems, whether they’re using WordPress or some monster custom job. FeedBurner competes with these perfectly fine, free features by tracking who’s using the feed and (if you wish) adding advertising.
For these reasons, Feedburner should integrate well with Google’s existing publishing tools, analytics and advertising network business.
FeedBurner is a small piece of a very big trend. Syndication is already an important part of any content producer’s toolkit. But it’s just one element of the new wave of intermediation that’s about to sweep the business. I’ve just released my report on syndication, and in a few weeks will release an in-depth report on how to thrive in the coming era of intermediation in the media business.
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.
There once was a newspaper publisher who loved to cruise in his yacht. One day, the yacht, which had served him faithfully for many decades, began to sputter.
As he sat becalmed and bemused, wondering what he was going to do, a little speedboat pulled up alongside his yacht. “I see you’ve broken down,” said the captain of the speedboat. “I’d be pleased to give you a lift while you’re trying to figure out what’s wrong with your yacht.”
The newspaper publisher looked down at the tiny vessel. He recognized the speedboat as belonging to his neighbors Larry and Sergey, who had a yacht of their own, somewhere over the horizon. Theirs was larger and newer than his own, but it was a little Spartan for his taste.
The speedboat was sturdy and fast, but not nearly as luxurious the publisher’s mighty yacht. He wasn’t sure he wanted to leave its comfort for the exposed and potentially dangerous speedboat — especially since he knew that Larry and Sergey were probably living it up on their yacht at that very moment. But the yacht seemed to be riding a bit lower in the water, and maybe listing a bit to the starboard. He also realized that he hadn’t invested in his yacht in many years and it could take him a long time to get it fixed.
“How much?” asked the newspaper publisher.
“Why nothing. I’d do it for free,” said the speedboat captain, a little startled and kind of hurt.
“No, how much will you pay me?” replied the newspaper publisher.
The newspaper business is not a charitable enterprise. The newspaper industry’s problems are not Google’s fault. Get in the boat.
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.
What’s cool about the newly announced Knight Foundation grant winners is what’s missing from the list. There are none of the Utopian and academic community projects that we’ve seen previous rounds of grant-making.
By deciding to fund interesting startups and open-source projects from commercial organizations, the foundation has taken a huge leap. The truth is that most of ideas we’ve seen from academics (and from monopoly incumbents) just seem irrelevant from the get-go.
Instead of a another round of well-meaning but soulless local sites, there are a number of projects whose results I can’t wait to see. I’m especially excited to see tool-makers like Adrian Holovaty and Richard Anderson each get about a million dollars to fund their projects. Better online journalism tools will benefit an untold number of communities in very real ways.
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.
CBS is buying WallStrip for $5 million.
I never particularly liked the show itself, and it’s hard for me to imagine anyone becoming a committed viewer. But, the producers understood how to exploit the emerging layer of intermediaries:
Along the way Howard, Adam, Jeff, Lindsay, and a few other brave souls they hired figured out a bunch of stuff that is key to a successful web video show. Like how to get the show on every video service quickly and easily. How to tag and promote the show on each and every service so it actually gets seen. How to measure and track all the views. How to reconcile all the different measurements you get. How to get subscribers in iTunes, FeedBurner, and YouTube. How to make a web site that communicates what the show is quickly and easily. How to do advertising in a way that doesn’t get in the way of the viewer. How to get the show indexed by ticker in the major finance portals. And most of all, how to keep it short, fun, and funny.
That’s what Howard did best with Wallstrip. And that’s why CBS wants Wallstrip on it’s team.
Intermediation is particularly important in Web video, but it will more important in all forms of Web content in the future. Most publishers have not only forgotten the importance of marketing, they’ve forgotten how to do it. Now is the time to re-learn those skills or to bring them in house.
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.
Here’s an interesting example of why it’s futile to resist the intermediation of media.
This morning, while scanning the news in Google Reader, I was able to view — inside the RSS feeds of both Huffington Post’s Eat the Press and BuzzMachine — a YouTube video of a CNN interview with Christopher Hitchens discussing the legacy of Jerry Falwell:
CNN | YouTube | | ETP BuzzMachine | | Google Reader | Audience
Some additional notes:
- That’s right, I was able to watch this video delivered via RSS and embedded inside Google Reader.
- I can’t find the video on CNN’s web site.
- In case you missed it, there are two Google properties in this chain.
The first decade of the Web was marked with publishers’ desperate struggles not to be aggregated. There are still publishers (and reporters) who see Google as stealing their content. That battle is over, and its now just a matter of shooting the wounded.
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.
Matt Haughey is an innovator in a couple of trends that I have been writing about lately: user generated content (although he hates the term) and media aggregation.
His tips for community-builders are essential reading for any media organization considering (as they should) adding user gener community to their sites.
Matt is dead-on in his emphasis on the human side of community-building. Getting it right demands that you treat the process as the interaction of real people. Let the participants know that someone is in charge, that they’re watching and accessible, and that they can be flexible. There’s more, but you really need to read it for yourself.
The biggest mistake that some media innovators have made is to forget there is a middle ground between the strict editorial processes of the newsroom and post-apocalyptic anarchy
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.
CBS is outgrowing its need to distribute its own content on the Web. You’d think the networks would have figured this out sooner. The networks never were destinations. That role belonged to the affiliates, a bunch of used-car salesmen with FCC licenses.
The Journal is reporting that CBS has learned it can’t go it alone on the Web and is now syndicating promiscuously: with YouTube, Facebook, Joost, and …uh… Slide. Good for them. This is the beginning of something big. And now the real fight is about who gets to sell the ads and count the money.
Jeff Jarvis is right to say this is the way all media executives should be thinking. We’re seeing a return the separation of content creation and distribution on the web. Nineteenth century economics made distributors feel they needed vertically integrate with content creators. After all, isn’t that how Rockefeller (and Sarnoff) did it? But distribution and content creation are really different businesses and when you combine the two, neither gets the respect it deserves. More on that later.
Originally published on my blog at JupiterResearch.